Saturday, March 28, 2009

Metroid Evolution

Metroid Evolution is a fangame in progress.
It also has a sister project, Fall of Zebes.
The two stroy lines are intertwined.

It starts off with Samus being captured on Zebes, which is near colapse after defeating Mother Brain. Upon landing she is ambushed and captured by Space Pirates, who take her aborad their ship and bring her to planet Nexus.

Not to be confused with Noxus from Hunters, i never played Hunters so i didnt know about it till recently. im keeping the name because it means "connection".

Anyway she escapes while on board, which is playable in FoZ, but not before some of her DNA is taken. Samus returns to complete her mission on Zebes. On Nexus there has been a metroid breeding program, and a Queen is deep within the planet. With the Metroid population stable, the experiments begin. the first few are failures, but once the ship that was carrying Samus's DNA delivers it's prize, the next Metroid/Human hybrid is a success.

The 03 is born.
But the creature isnt kept locked up for long...

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Sorry, I came across this when looking up general Metroid stuff. Recently I've had this idea for a Metroid game going round in my head, and straight away I just dubbed it 'Metroid Evolution'. To my surprise, a-haa, it is already alive! Albeit, our stories vary somewhat. Although my idea does take place right after Fusion where Samus is held captive by the GF. Although, I imagine this would be a natural progression for any new Metroid game, fan-based or by Nintendo!

    Great work, by the way! I'll have yo show you my ideas sometime!
